What is 3D Secure?

PayXpert - User documentation

What is 3D Secure?

3D Secure adds an extra layer of security for online transactions. It has been adopted by major banks and card providers, as well as the cardholder, who must specify a password, or occasionally accept confirmation by SMS.

Different card providers have created their own labels. For example:

  • Visa uses Verified by Visa

  • MasterCard calls it MasterCard SecureCode

  • JCB calls it J/Secure

  • American Express calls it American Express SafeKey

The level of adoption and implementation varies greatly across countries and markets, which necessitates a more focused and specific implementation of 3DS in your payment flow.

Since chargebacks are expensive and they can compromise your relationship with your acquiring bank, it is highly recommended to consider using 3D Secure as an extra layer of protection for you, as the responsibility shifts to the cardholder.

Does 3D Secure affect conversion rates?

Yes, it adds an extra step in the checkout process. However this lower conversion can be balanced by lowering the high cost of chargebacks.

Segmenting the country, currency, and type of card by pinpointing the transaction scenarios with the highest risk and the locations where 3D Secure can be implemented smoothly from the perspective of the cardholder can positively affect your business. Therefore, selective implementation of 3D Secure should be considered.

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