Using tables

PayXpert - User documentation

Using tables

All Backoffice tables have a standarised look, feel and operation. The Actions column appears in every table to the far right and includes the View entity icon, and the PDF icon for viewing and printing information in PDF form.

Meanwhile, the other columns of any table depend on the section you are working in (e.g. Transactions vs. Invoices, etc.)

A standard navigation bar appears at the bottom of our tables and allows you to view the next series of items in the list.

Detail of page navigation bar

Column sorting

Simply click the header on any column to order your table by that specific parameter.

Column customisation

Click the blue Columns button to the top left of any table to show/hide columns that appear in a table. Simply click on an option that works best for you (e.g. Payment network) and that column and its corresponding information will appear.

You can click the last option in the Columns list—”Restore default”—to go back to the default table layout:

Result codes

Tables and other windows with information in the Backoffice will sometimes display Error codes, which are also known as Result codes, in the Result column of certain tables. These are 3-digit numbers that correspond to a specific description of the result.

The code 000 always appears in black and means Transaction successfully completed (or item successfully registered in our system, in the case of alerts).

Error codes sometimes appear in red (e.g. 051). Scroll over the red number and the error’s meaning appears.



Detail of a pop-up message for error code 410:


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