Your list of invoices shows you a summary of the most pertinent information about them. From there, you can view your individual invoices for more detailed information.
To view a list of your invoices, go to Accounting > Invoices.
The default columns in the table show the reference number (invoice number), your company name, our company name (the issuer), the financial provider (the “acquiring bank”), the date the invoice was created, the date range of the invoice, the state (“status”) of the invoice, the total amount debited or owed, and action buttons.
Tip: If you have a long list of invoices, use the filters to the left of the table to find specific ones. For example, you can display only paid (or unpaid) invoices.
In the Status menu, select the invoice “state” you want to see.
Click Filter. The system will list your paid (or other) invoices.
How to view invoice details
Click the View 🔍 button in the last column to open an invoice:
Tip: Click the PDF icon to the right of the View button to create a PDF version of that invoice.
Notice the Account statement and Invoice tabs below the business addresses:
The Account statement tab, which opens by default, gives you details on your “Total statement”; the Invoice tab gives you details on costs.
In both tabs, for the table of details in the middle of the page, you can control which columns you want to appear:
Just select / unselect a column to hide it / show it on the table.
Advanced invoice features
Notice the buttons on the top right of your invoice:
These are powerful features of the Backoffice that allow you to drill down even further from an invoice.
Click View information to see more detail on the status of your current invoice:
Click View statistics associated with this invoice to see the custom statistics linked to that invoice on those dates.
Click View transactions associated with this invoice to see any transactions linked to your invoice.
Finally, you can also click the PDF button to create a PDF of either individual sub-tab: