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Chargeback disputes are NOT handled in the PayXpert Backoffice at this time. Thus, the information provided below is of a general nature and no specific Backoffice procedures are described.

When it comes to disputing chargebacks, most financial institutions side with the consumer. However, chargebacks can cause serious problems to a merchant’s bottom line. By processing a chargeback, the bank assumes a merchant made a wrong charge. And, if the chargeback remains unjustified by the cardholder and undisputed by the merchant, the merchant is in fact accepting the bank’s assumption that they, the merchant, were indeed at fault.

When carried out properly, fighting chargebacks not only returns revenues to the merchant, it can show a bank a company’s trustworthiness.

However, disputing a chargeback is a difficult and laborious process. It requires proof and documentation which demonstrates that the service was fulfilled or the product delivered. The process must be carried out within 7 days of the chargeback.

How can I dispute a chargeback?

If you feel you are within your rights to dispute a chargeback, you can write an email to your bank.

However, please contact us first, so we can provide you with the chargeback ID string, if you are writing to:


  • BNP:

For Banco Sabadell, you will have received an email from them (at the email address you have configured for your username) about the chargeback, which includes a case number and a reference number. Include these numbers, and write to Banco Sabadell directly at

In both cases, please include the following supporting documents in your email, and cc us at

Include proof of customer authorization

Friendly fraud accounts for over half of all chargebacks. Proving to your bank that the legitimate cardholder was aware of and that he or she authorized the original transaction is key to your dispute. Any data that shows proof of customer agreement is a standard part of a strong response, such as:

  • AVS (Address Verification System) matches

  • CVC (Card Verification Code) confirmations

  • Signed receipts or contracts

  • IP address that matches the cardholder's verified billing address

  • 3DS authentication

Include proof of service or delivery

If your product or service was not faulty (it was as described) and you have confirmation that it was shipped and delivered as promised, provide proof of service and delivery, including the full delivery address. If your customer had you ship to another person’s address (for a gift purchase), provide documentation explaining why these shipping names vary.

If your business provides digital goods, include evidence such as an IP address or system log proving the customer downloaded the content or used your software or service.

Include a copy of your terms of service and refund policy

When it comes to disputes, details are king! Providing proof that your customer agreed to and understood your terms of service at checkout, or did not follow your policies when it comes to returns or refunds, is essential. Adding a clear screenshot of how your terms of service or other policies are presented during checkout will boost your evidence—simply including a copy is not enough.


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