Caution: Do not uninstall PayXpress

PayXpert - User documentation

Caution: Do not uninstall PayXpress

Do not delete the PayXpress application from your POS device!

We would like to inform you that it is important not to delete the PayXpress application from your payment terminal. This application is also essential to ensure the security of your transactions and payment card data.

If you delete the PayXpress application, this will result in the deletion of the encryption keys necessary to securely encrypt your card data during transactions. These encryption keys are essential to protect your personal and financial information against any hacking attempts or unauthorized access.

Without these encryption keys, you also disable your device's ability to communicate with the electronic payment terminal. This means that you will no longer be able to use the device to accept card payments, which could have a significant impact on your business activity.

We therefore strongly recommend that you keep the PayXpress application on your device and not delete it.

If you have any questions or issues regarding the PayXpress app, please feel free to contact customer service via our support portal https://payxpertsupport.zendesk.com or support via email at assistance@payxpert.com.

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