PayXpert - Documentación de usuario

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The Castles S1F2 is an Android device on which you can navigate, like on a mobile phone, to access the different apps installed on it.

Home screen

Navigation is done using the three Android status bar buttons at the bottom of the phone. (◀️ , ⏺️ , ⏹️.)

Search and open applications: From the home screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

Access the home screen: From the applications screen, tap the Home ⏺️ button.

Back: Allows you to open the screen you were previously on. You can use this option several times and thus go back several screens. Note however that the home screen acts as a limit. Tapping the Back ◀️ button is used only for Castles applications and is not compatible with the PayXpert payment application ("PayXpress").

Search all open applications: Tapping the Overview ⏹️ button you can then either close the application (swipe the application image upwards) or open an application (press its image).

PayXpress payment application

(blue star) PayXpress is the mobile application used for Bank Card payments.



The CTMS (Castles Terminal Management Server) mobile application allows you to connect to the server provided by the payment terminal manufacturer to download mobile applications (including the PayXpress payment application) and perform remote updates (scheduled or on demand).


As an example, files and applications downloaded and installed by CTMS will be displayed in the middle of the screen as shown below (area denoted in red):


In addition, by pressing the menu icon (…) in the upper right corner of the screen, CTMS provides functions that allow users to:

  • Filter, sort downloaded applications according to different characteristics, including “time”, “date” and “name”

  • Force download of mobile applications from the TMS “Update Now”

  • View downloaded but not installed applications “Waiting for Install”

  • View the different events performed by the CTMS mobile application. “Log Status”


Finally, in the lower right corner of the screen, there is a "Status" icon. By tapping the icon, users can view the current status of the terminal, as shown below.


Android parameters

The parameters pictured below are available on the Android OS. To access them, tap SystemPanel > Settings:


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