The ability to process customer orders over the telephone or mail-in form is a powerful option for generating business. This can be done at the moment in the Backoffice for telephone orders (TO) while you’re on the call with your customer, at your convenience for mail orders (MO) as they arrive, or as desired when sending a Payment by email link.
Handling MOTO transactions is a feature that needs to be enabled by PayXpert before it can be used by you. Due to regulations, it can only be offered to merchants proving compliance to PCI DSS.
Virtual terminals are enabled per Originator. Using this feature, you can conduct an authorization transaction or a sale, directly. Processing a MOTO transaction is done in a few simple clicks. Sending the customer an email with a link to pay through can also be done.
Only credit card transactions are supported for Virtual terminal transactions, while bank transfers and Chinese payments are supported via Payment by link.
Process a live transaction
To process a transaction at the moment, with a live customer on the phone (or a mail-in form in front of you):
Click the Processing tab and select Virtual terminals (MOTO). A list appears, showing the Originators with this feature enabled:
Click the View 🔍 button in the Actions column to use the feature for the desired Originator. If live transactions are enabled, the following window appears:
Fill in the fields:
Transaction operation: Choose whether the current transaction will be an authorize or a sale
In the Transaction information fields, fill in this free-form information on your transaction and select the currency you are processing through this Originator
Fill in the Cardholder information fields with the information provided by your customer
If email receipts have been enabled for your virtual terminal, you may also see another field:
In said case, select the language you want the notification to be sent in.
Click Process.
In the window that appears, enter in the customer’s credit card details:
Click Submit.
Payments by email (“Pay by link”)
Perhaps you prefer to offer your call-in customers a link by which to pay, instead of finalizing the transaction yourself. This can be done once you collect their information on the phone, or passively, from the info they have sent in. You then have the choice to send the customer an email via our automated system, or to copy and paste the payment link and send it to your customer yourself.
This option allows your customers to pay via alternative payment methods as well (WeChat Pay, Alipay, bank transfer). Note that these payment methods must (of course) be enabled for your account.
To send a payment link via email to a customer (or to just create a payment link):
Click the Processing tab and select Virtual terminals (MOTO).
Click the View 🔍 button in the Actions column to use the feature for the desired Originator. If Payments by email is configured for said Originator, the following window will appear:
Fill in the fields:
Transaction type: Choose the type of transaction this payment will be for. If you have the ability to receive bank transfers or Chinese payments, then these options will be visible. If not, then you will not see them. If enabled for your account, you may also see an option allowing multiple transaction types, allowing your shopper to pick the one he or she is most comfortable with, at the landing page.
Transaction operation: Choose whether the current transaction (if it is for a credit card) will be an authorize or a sale
In the Transaction information fields, fill in this free-form information on your transaction and select the currency you are processing through this Originator. 3D Secure may or may not be enabled for your Virtual terminal, and you may or may not be able to change this (it depends on how your Virtual terminal was configured)
In the Email fields, select the language you want the email to go out in, and use the slider to select a period of validity for the payment link
Fill in the Cardholder information fields with the information provided by your customer
Click the Send payment link button to send a payment link to your customer. He or she must complete the transaction within the validity period you selected.
Or, if configured, you will also see a button called “Display payment link”:This button lets you copy and paste the payment link anywhere you want, like in a personal email or in a chat messenger, for example.
So if you prefer not to send the payment link by email, you can use this feature to send it via chat instead.
Depending on how your Virtual terminal is configured, your customer may or may not receive a second, confirmation email after completing the transaction through the link.
Capture the transaction now OR send a link
Finally, your Virtual terminal can be configured to allow you to either go ahead with the credit card transaction, live, OR send a link to your customer. It is nice to be able to choose, because it therefore lets your customer choose, whether he or she wants to pay now, over the phone, or later through an email (or “Pay by”) link. This is the most comprehensive option for Virtual terminals.
To use this type of Virtual terminal:
Click the Processing tab and select Virtual terminals (MOTO).
Click the View 🔍 button in the Actions column to use the feature for the desired Originator. If both Payments by email/link and live transactions are configured for the Virtual terminal, the following window will appear:
Click the Classic mode button or the Payment by email mode button, as desired. The fields on the page change depending on which mode you choose:
Fill in the fields:
Transaction operation: Choose whether the current credit card transaction will be an authorize or a sale
In the Transaction information fields, fill in this free-form information on your transaction and select the currency you are processing through this Originator. For payments by email, 3D Secure may or may not be enabled for your Virtual terminal, and you may or may not be able to change this (it depends on how your Virtual terminal was configured)
If you want to send a payment link by email, then in the Email fields, select the language you want the email to go out in, and use the slider to select a period of validity for the payment link. If you decide to process the transaction on the fly, instead, then you can disregard these fields
Fill in the Cardholder information fields with the information provided by your customer
At this point:
If using Payment by email, click the Send payment link or Display payment link button, as desired, to send a payment link to your customer or display it so that you can copy and paste it somewhere yourself. (Note that the existence of both of these functionalities are configured beforehand)
If using Classic mode, click the Process button to continue. You will be asked to enter in the cardholder information in the window that appears. Click the Submit button to finish.
Subscriptions and your Virtual terminal
Within your Virtual terminal area of the Backoffice, which we will have configured for you, you may see a Subscription area. This powerful feature allows you to:
activate one of your subscription offers with the transaction you are preparing
or, allow your customer to pay part of the specified amount now and the rest in installments.
You will only see this area if we have enabled Subscriptions for your account.
Please note that subscriptions feature within the Virtual terminal is only possible with credit card transactions.
The Subscriptions area is available for both live transactions over the phone and payments by email/link. While preparing your transaction:
Tick the Subscription check box:
The area expands. Now choose an option:
With the first option, select one your Subscription offers:
In this case, your customer will be charged the amount you define in the Amount field, and the subscription is separate.
Or, with the second option, define the number of installments you customer will pay you in, plus how often:
In total, your customer will be charged the amount you define in the Amount field. However, the partial payments he or she will make (as well as their frequency) are confirmed by the on-screen message.
When opening the link (if Payment by email mode is used), your customer will be able to read the conditions of the payment:
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