Name: Enter a name for your Subscription offer
Description: This is an optional field
Type: Select the type of Subscription you want to create.
A “normal” subscription gives you control over setting its frequency and number of iterations.
A “lifetime” subscription will only let you charge the customer once. This will then give him or her a subscription for life.
A “one-time” subscription lets you set, in the Frequency field, the duration of the subscription:
An “infinite” subscription will stay active indefinitely, repeating at the end of the period of time you set in the Frequency field:
The “split payment” subscription type is not currently available for use.
Originator: Select the Originator to use for this Subscription offer
Currency: Select the currency that corresponds to your Originator from the drop-down list
Number of iterations: The number of times you want the customer to be charged. Note that this field is only available for “normal” Subscription offers
Frequency: Use the sliders to set a duration for the Subscription. (If you set a trial period, this will be the duration of your Subscription after said trial period)
Amount: The amount you want to charge the customer for the Subscription (or iteration thereof)